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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Sugaring, Sugar wax Part 2

So the other day i made my first batch of all natural sugar wax as you saw in part one. I learned a couple of thins during this process
After i waited the couple hours for the wax to sit and cool i tried to use it only to find out, this crap is too hard to use! So, i popped it in the microwave and grabbed a butter knife and spread some on my arm. owwwwwwwww yup, it burnt me bad LOL i have a blister from this battle. So im like great, I messed it all up. So i threw it away and decided to make yet another batch thinking i overcooked the first batch. 
I waited for it to cool and it was just a tiny bit softer but still couldnt use it. Thinking i messed it up AGAIN i set out on a google search thinking to myself, this wax is supposed to be a cool thick wax and just automatically stick and pull the hairs out. WRONG
You have to put the container in hot boiling water and SLOWLY melt the wax down to a good, spreadable consistency. 
It really does work. Its not like your typical wx though. In some places you may need to go over that spot 2 or 3 times but it also doesnt rip your skin off in the process so the extra time is worth it! 


Whats in the easter basket?

 Whats in Jace's Easter Basket(s)

I always see a lot of posts from parents wondering what to put in their childs easter basket and asking for ideas so i thought i would share what we put in Jaces basket this year. He is 18 months old. 

Jaces Basket from us.

We found this at wal mart , sooo cute!
Ellas Kitchen Organic oat fingers, Jace loves these!
Little People Person

Skip hop book! 

Some eggs filled with Kit Kats and Reeces peanut butter cups
Jaces easter basket from Grandpa

Happy Easter Everyone!!


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Sugaring - All natural sugar wax - Part 1

As most of you know , I have PCOS. One of the most unpleasant symptoms of PCOS is excess body hair, Particularly on the face. For me, i get a lot of hair in unwanted places and it sucks to say the least. So a couple of days ago i was searching google for hair removal techniques. I was tired of trying to pluck a whole lot of hairs, was tired of the harsh wax , shaving is pointless, i came across something called "Sugaring". At first i was like yeah right, how could that possibly work. I kept watching you tube videos of people making their own wax at home with all natural ingredients and getting awesome results with it. So today i decided, why not, ill give it a try. So here is my part one of Sugaring. 

What you will need:
2 cups of sugar
1/4 cup lemon juice - can be fresh squeezed or store bought- Just make sure to take the seeds out of the juice.
1/4 cup water
small pot

What you will do is :
 pour the sugar into the pan
add lemon juice
add water 
turn stove onto med heat (about a 4)

At first it will be hard to stir , but stir it up and get it mixed. At this point it will be thick and white. After about 5 -7 minutes it should start bubbling if not, turn the heat up JUST A LITTLE BIT. Keep stirring, 10 minutes or so after you FIRST turned the heat on, take it off the stove and check the color, the color you will see when its done is a medium to darkish golden brown. (around 10 or 11 minutes it should be a yellowish color) if it is not yet golden brown keep cooking and stirring. Remember to check the color often because you dont want to burn it , it will not be any good if you do. It took mine about 18 mins total to turn that golden brown color. 
Once it is done, Pour it into a container ( i would recommend glass) and let it sit for about 2 or 3 hours. At this point its still hot and thin. 
Rinse the pan out immediately with HOT water and let it soak off any excess sugar. 
This is what mine looked like right after i poured it into the glass bowl...

Benefits of sugar waxing
Exfoliates skin
Natural ingredients
Cleans off easy

Part 2 coming soon! - The results!


Throw-Back Thursday

Quail Lake June 15, 2010

Brittany If you like what you just read please click to send a quick vote for me on Top Mommy Blogs- The best mommy blog directory featuring top mom bloggers

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Life & Chaos!

Blogger Fail. Yes, i know. I have been so incredibly busy with everything lately and blogging has just slipped my mind. Im hoping that now that things have STARTED to settle down i will be able to catch back up. So whats been going on? Well lets see....
We had family in town from Idaho for a few days, lots of kids = Lots of chaos!
Still getting a routine down with my new job while trying to get Jace adjusted.
Preparing for my 2nd upcoming job that i am super excited about (see more below)
Went to the zoo with my moms group
I had a Easter potluck & Egg hunt for my Colorado Springs Moms Group
Jace is sick, AGAIN!

Family In Town
Jace had not met his cousins or his uncle so this was super exciting! We were able to have all (but one) kids over night last weekend. I hadnt seen them in so long, it was a lot of fun! We also went to a get together with them and had some great food. Heres some pictures 

( DISCLAIMER - This car is parked, in a parking lot, NO ONE was driving kids around like this, LOL )

Upcoming 2nd Job

In the beginning of May, I will officially be a Lemongrass Spa Consultant! I am super excited about this. I am very happy to have found 2 great opportunities that allow me to still be a stay at home mom! For more information on Lemongrass Spa

Trip to the zoo!
I took Jace & Sami to the zoo with some ladies from my moms group, it was awsome. I love the cheyenne mountain zoo , it is gorgeous!

CSM 2014 Easter Potluck & Egg Hunt

Now im off to finish dinner, But with in the next couple days ill put up the complete review of THE HONEST COMPANY products! Hope you all had a great weekend. 
