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Friday, November 26, 2010

A thankful thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, i hope you all had a wonderful day! We did, instead of home cooking we went to the golden corrals big thanksgiving dinner buffet and it was amazing! We waited inline for 45 mins but it was well worth it. The people working there were working so hard to do a good job and it was just all around a good meal. We didnt even have to clean up the mess lol! I would have never thought that, that many people went out to eat on thanksgiving! Anyways.
I have so much to be thankful for this year and i wanted to share that with all of you. so here it goes.
I am thankful for my family, they are all amazing in their own special ways.
I am thankful for my dad because he does so much for us.
I am thankful for my hubby because he means so much to me and is truly the love of my life despite everything we have been through. He is my best friend! 
I am thankful for my step son because he is a challenge and he helps me to become a more, patient understanding mother type of person.
I am thankful for all of my friends, online and in person, yes my cysters too!
I am thankful that we are doing so much better this year in terms of finances, then we were last year, we were having a really rough time last year due to no work.
I am thankful that i am blessed enough to have found this pcos and fertility study because infertility treatment is sooo expensive.
I am thankful for everything we have rather than being upset over what we dont have.
I am thankful for my pets too! :)
I am thankful for having the ability to love and be loved in return.
I am thankful for life in general, even though sometimes it seems like it is unfair.
So to all my friends, family, cysters and anyone else who knows me and is there for me, i love you all and am thankful to have you in my life!!

yay for the big "O"!

Well its been awhile since i have posted on this blog and im sorry. I went through some emotional things with this whole ttc thing. But just like i always i got back up and dusted it all off. I went to my mid-luteal appointment on weds. That went ok, they were saying just based off my ultrasound that it didnt look like i o'd but they would have to wait on my blood tests to confirm, speaking of the blood tests, that was a nightmare i have one blown vein with a very nasty bruise on my arm and 1 hole in each hand from these attempts all they needed was 3 tubes of blood and it took a good 1/2 hour to get them. lol im truly a pin cushion any more but im gettting used to it slowly. Anyways they called back later in the afternoon and told me i did infact ovulate, and not a weak ovulation a strong one! woo hoo i was soo happy. I plan on taking another test in about a week and then just waiting till my next appt Dec 8th. Then we move on to round two! All i can do is keep hoping and praying that this will all work out for us! Well thats about all the updates i have right now, i hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving, Goodnight.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I did it again

Well, i did it again, I changed my blog design haha. this time i am happy with it tho so i think i will keep it :) anyways not much going on today just kinda sittin around. Ive gotta cold but i still managed to get some cleaning done. Go me. I have an appointment with the fertility clinic tomorrow morning at 10 30 and i have to be fasting for 12 hours, not fun at all. This appt will see if the meds worked or not an then we will dertermine if i need to up the dose or what. Hopefully it all worked out the way i wanted it to ;).
I cant beleive thanksgiving is only two days away, it seems like we just had christmas 3 months ago. Time sure does fly by as you get older. Well thats all for now. Hope you are all having a wonderful evening.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Just another day

Well today was just another day, with a lil dose of marital drama lol. U know your marriage is a good one when you have a total blow out fight every once in awhile, lets u know that you still care enough to fight. Even with that being said its still a very hard thing to deal with. Weve been through a lot worse tho so i am still thankful that we are able to overcome so much together. My dad has been telling me lately that marriage will only work if your spouse is your best friend. Thankfully Me & Geromy are best friends. That doesnt mean we always agree tho ;) Pcos, Infertility and TTC def put a strain on things, not for the better. If each one of those things alone wasnt stressful enough, add all three and what do you have?? Temporary war zone lol but at the end of the day this will always remain..
sure, he annoys me and pisses me off sometimes, but thats just because he knows how to push my buttons which means he knows me to well haha
Anyways not much else going on today, i think i am getting a cold, which im surprised i didnt get one sooner. I get sick at least 4 times a year, but not yet! which is a good thing because ima big baby when i get sick lol Well, off to take a shower now, night night everyone.